7 Must-Know Tips For Designing A Home With A Solar Panel


Many customers are interested in installing a solar system when they are building their new home. They want to know the steps they can take for better design to make the most of the best solar system for the home.

Here are seven tips to keep in mind for optimizing the effectiveness of a solar panel.

  1. Roof Direction

Orienting your roof towards the sun is beneficial. It is best to have a direct 180 degree south orientation. As you near the direction of straight south, your solar panels can produce more energy.

  1. Get Rid of Shade

Solar panels require sun. Trees cause shades, especially in the winter months, as the sun remains lower in the sky. The differing roofline heights can also cast shades. Check for all such elements and try to reduce as much shade as possible.

  1. Rooftop Strength

Solar panels and solar stands are heavy. Your rooftop must be able to withstand the weight of the entire system. It must also be 6 inches deep to easily fit the fastener without any kind of damage to the roof.

  1. Choose a Solution

Solar panels are available in off-grid and on-grid solutions. If you need power backup for a commercial space, you should opt for off-grid solutions. However, on-grid solar systems are efficient for reducing monthly electricity bills.

  1. Wiring

Knowing the position of your solar panel system enables you to pre-run channels inside the house. This results in a system installation that is neat and visually appealing.

  1. Home Load Division

The division of load in your home should be clear. Some homes have higher loads on one phase and the balance on another phase. This disparity can lead to irregularities. Try to have an equal home load division with every phase having equal wattage.

  1. Build More Efficiently

An energy-efficient house allows you to save more money. It would require fewer solar panels and a smaller battery. It is suggested that you install electric appliances for the dryer, stove, air conditioning, and heating.


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